Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sometime I miss American foods

I miss American foods once in a while. Then I would see the pics to remain them. Oh well, since these pics carry zero calorie. So it should be healthy!!

The first pic is for my breakfast. It rather be a heavy one for me though. It's just a common one but a bit too much for me, however, it's chicken with vegie wrap and coffee. Very healthy.

The second one is for my supper.  I had free refill iced tea also. I had this with my friends. Do you recognize the size? The fork is normal size so you may know how big this hamburger is!

The third pic is for my lunch. I had it alone. You may think it must be healthy since it's shrimp salad. Oh well, it was such big amount. I was filled up so I couldn't have anything more.

The last one is for my snack. I got this pancake mix at Japanese grocery store. Of course I cooked them! I mean I missed Japanese taste at that time.
Oh well, I didn't have all of them at the same day, of course! I can’t have such big amount in a day.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Girls Talk Party at Shibuya いっちゃんのオフ会再び

I went to a party at Shibuya the other day. It was held for a nice lady who came back from England. It has several months passed since I saw her last time. The articles about last time is here.


This time I didn't take any photos again. Why? Simply because I forgot to bring my camera with me. My cell phone has a camera though, the place was a bit dark and it seemed a bit hard to take such snap shots. So I gave up taking pics. But I knew what dishes we have had there.
All photos are from websites.写真は全てウェブサイトからの借用です。

The place we have held the party is;
Tokyo Family Restaurant in Shibuya.
会場は渋谷にあるTokyo Family Restaurantです。
The photo on the right shows the entrance.右の写真が店の入り口です。

We had "World Food Travel" for party dishes. Here are the menu.

"World Food Travel" Menu
Tabouli, cracked barley salad with lemon, parsley and mint.(Lebanon cuisine)

Seafood Cebiche with giant corns and satumaimo potatos marinated with lime
魚介のセビーチェ(ペルー料理)Peruvian cuisine
The phot is a image from the web site.写真は参考イメージです。

Potatos and anchovies gratin(on the right photo-from the website)
ヤンソンスフレステルセ(スエーデン料理)Swedish cuisine
ジャガイモとアンチョビのグラタン (写真右・サイトからの借用です)

Beef and eggplant Egg rolls with cumin seeds and Feta cheese Turkish style. Served with yogurt sauce.
トルコ風春巻き(トルコ料理)Turkish cuisine

Grilled chicken Satay with peanuts butter and ketchup Manis style sauce
チキンサテグリルのピンチョス(インドネシア料理)Indonesian cuisine
The photo on the left is an image of satay.右の写真はイメージです。

白インゲン豆と野菜のタジン(北アフリカ料理)North African/Moroccan cuisine
white beans and vegi with coriander and sage simmered in a tagine/tajine pot.

自家製モロッコパン Moroccan style Home-made bans
Blended with cumin seeds and white sesame seeds

Saturday, April 10, 2010

security camera

I have introduced a new security system in our house. This new one links with both our house phone and door phone. I mean it works through the telephone line to see who comes at the door. Besides, it has a picture recoding device and I can check who had come while my absence.

But there is one problem. The garage gate interrupts in view of the security camera.

This old gate has been ruined and couldn't open/close it anymore. So I had planed to get a new one sometime. I think now is the time!

Now I have many meetings for this gate construction and need to do paper works before we start it. It would be for tax reduction next year. I need so many process to work for the tax break but it's worth to go for.

Ah, what a tough job.....!